Big Brutes Clean 1000 Litre IBCs of Flocculent More Quickly

Big Brutes Clean 1000 Litre IBCs of Flocculent More Quickly

Coby Goodwin, Director of ECP Industries, Perth, with his Big Brute Wet & Dry Industrial Vacuum Cleaner

ECP Industries in Perth, Western Australia, clean and recycle 1000 litre intermediate bulk containers (IBC).

They have to remove the last remnants of flocculent and other chemicals used in the mining and farming industries from the bottom of the 1000 litre IBCs.

Keith Watson Sr, who founded ECP Industries Recycling,and his son, Keith Watson Jr, said their company has been cleaning and recycling 1000 litre IBCs for 15 years.

Due to the increased demand for recycled 1000 litre IBCs, they were opening bigger premises and needed a faster and better method of removing the last 5 – 10 litres of flocculent from the bottom of the 1000 litre IBCs.

As this job is very messy and time consuming, ECP Industries required an industrial vacuum cleaner with excellent suction to be able to reach in and remove the last of the flocculent out of the bottom of the IBC’s.

Big Brute Industries was contacted by Coby Godwin, a director of ECP Industries to see if the Big Brute Wet & Dry Industrial Vacuum Cleaners would be suitable to clean out the last 5-10 litres of flocculent from the IBCs.

This Flocculent has the consistency and viscosity similar to treacle and will expand 5 times its own mass when wet.

We visited ECP Industries' works and gave a demonstration using a Big Brute Wet & Dry Industrial Vacuum Cleaner.

As a result, both Coby and Keith were suitably impressed with the Big Brute Wet & Dry’s performance.

The company have since purchased a Big Brute Wet & Dry Industrial Vacuum Cleaner and an Interceptor Lid to be used at their new premises. This lets them decant the flocculent from their IBCs into open drums for easier recovery.

The flocculent will be sucked using the Big Brute Wet & Dry into an open 205 Litre interceptor drum. The 205 Litre drum can then be sealed and sent to be recycled.